What does the Barbershop experience look, feel and sound like…?, I can remember my barbershop visits being an exciting thrill for me. My mind would transform, as I would eagerly look out the window, passing house after house and buildings galore, watching people walk as they pass through the streets. As each moment passed I would look at the time because being late for my appointment was not an option. I remember walking into the barbershop (also known as the “shop”) and the bells on the door would let everyone know that someone has arrived. If I had to make a comparison it would remind me of the TV theme song for “Cheers” a place where everybody knows your name, and they’re always glad you came. Taking my seat amongst the other customers seemed challenging especially on a Saturday morning. The shop was always full and finding a seat was sometimes the hardest part of the experience. While navigating through the other customers you politely say your Hellos and Excuse ME’s. You glance at your barber making sure you’ve made eye contact, which lets them know that their ten o’clock has arrived. You walk up to your barber EVERY time and always ask these 2 direct questions. How many customers (heads) are next? And how long is my wait? Now it is finally time to hear the latest news and community updates because if there is one place to form an opinion or learn from the older folk it’s in the shop. Just listen……….
Used for cutting, trimming and fading hair; as well as shaping and making designs
Used for cutting and trimming long hair or beards
Used for shaving